Unleashing the Inner Champion

Hakan Vardaroglu
3 min readFeb 5, 2023


Tim was a young child who lived in a small village in the past. Tim loved to play with his pals, explore his surroundings, and be happy-go-lucky. Tim, however, began to realize that he stood out from the other children in his town as he grew older. He was consistently the smallest, skinniest, and weakest member of the group. This negative impact on his self-esteem caused Tim to start feeling unsure of himself. He experienced self-consciousness and a sense of unfitness among the other children. Tim’s confidence started to decline and he stopped doing the things he used to like.

Tim came across the old sage while he was out exploring the woods one day. Tim was depressed when the sage observed him and inquired as to his situation. Tim talked to the sage about his predicament and how he felt about himself. Tim’s life was dramatically altered by what the wise man stated after carefully listening to him.

The wise man questioned Tim, “Tim, do you know what makes a sturdy tree?” Tim gave a headshake. The sage went on, “The roots, not the size of the tree, are what matter. Stronger trees have roots that are deeper. The same holds true for people. You are not who you are because of your power or stature. Your strength comes from your morals, values, and character.”

The wise man’s remarks surprised Tim. He had never previously considered himself in such a manner. Tim was profoundly affected by the wise man’s comments, and he began to view himself differently as a result. He began to focus on enhancing his character and values, which caused him to feel better about himself once more. Tim developed into a self-assured and powerful young man over time. He was regarded by his pals and esteemed by his neighborhood. Tim was content with the person he had become since he had discovered that true strength comes from inside.

Tim never again allowed anyone to undermine him after that. Regardless of what others may have thought, he was confident in who he was and believed that he was a strong and talented individual. The story’s lesson is that self-worth originates from inside. What you believe about yourself is more important than what others think of you. You too may develop into a strong and self-assured person if you have faith in yourself and work on your character.



Hakan Vardaroglu

having experience in logistics worldwide, background in archaeology and the history of art. Eager to learn new things, technology, languages old and new